Monday 16 September 2013



Throughout the song the audience will see clips of Luke singing the lyrics in the drama studio. We also see 'flashbacks' Luke and his girlfriend having an argument and her leaving him. We will also see Luke in different locations around Portishead, these locations will be places where he has happy memories of being with his girlfriend. But we will see a couple being all happy and 'loved up' with Luke in the background at these different locations which make Luke feel lonely and guilty about the argument he had with his girlfriend. We will also see flashbacks of Luke and his girlfriend arguing to reflect the lyrics of the song.


Luke will be singing the lyrics to the song in the studio whilst playing the guitar. The boy and girl who play the couple in the music video will also have to act out different scenes in different locations.

Costume and Props
Luke will be dressed quite indie as it is the style of the music, so he will be wearing skinny jeans, Nike shoes and a top. The boy and girl who are going to play the couple in the music video will also just be wearing quite simple and casual.  


The location of the music video is going to be filmed at different locations around Portishead. The main locations are Portishead docks, Royal beach and Battery point. We chose to stay in Portishead as not just me and Kate live in Portishead but our characters all live locally as well so they are  all easy locations for us all to meet. We also chose to film in Portishead as we will have a lot of equipment with us such as camera, tripod, props etc. Because of this it would be difficult to commute to Bristol and back with all the equipment. We have also to shot a large amount of the music video in a studio. There is a drama studio located in school that would allow us to have access to lights. We have asked for permission to film in the studio and have been granted access to it on particular days after school.

Camera Angles

Throughout the music video we will be using different camera shots. In the studio we will be using a lot of close ups of Luke when he is singing so it emphases the lyrics of the song. We got this idea from Miley Cyrus' music video 'Wrecking Ball' which has lots of close ups of Miley's face to show the emotion of her face. We will also do mid shots to long shots to also get shots to emphasise Luke playing the guitar. 

Camera Movements

Throughout the music video we will also be using a variety of different camera movements as well, such as circle panning to emphases Luke playing the guitar at the beginning of the music video. We will also use a tracking shot to follow Luke when he is walking away at the end of the music video and goes out of shot and we can see the couple in the distance.


When we are filming outside the lighting will be natural so if we film on different days we need to make sure the weather is similar so the lighting looks the same as on the previously filmed footage. We will also be filming in the studio so will be using a spot light on Luke whilst he is performing. Artificial lighting we are planning to use is in the studio, we are planning on using a spotlight, and light produced from a projector. We got the idea for the projection light from Ariana Grande's music video "The way". 

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