Wednesday 18 September 2013

Actor and Costume

For our music video we have decided that we're only going to have one main character. We have decided to use a boy (Luke Barnett) as the artist because the lyrics of the song are sung by 'Ed Sheeran'. This could link to a convention of music videos having the 'artist' to be the main character in the video. We will be using other characters in our music video but just as extra's. Theses other characters that we are going to use, will be picked at random this will depend on who is avaliable at the time. 

Luke Barnett 
 We have decided to use Luke because we thought that Luke had a look that we wanted to use in our music video. As Luke is our main character there will be a variety of different shots that include him in several different locations throughout the music video. Luke will also have shots of him singing and playing the guitar in the studio. 

We are probably going to use two costumes for Luke mainly because in the music video we show Luke in two different locations - In the drama studio performing and in the narrative part of the music video. As we want people between the ages of 16-20 to be able to relate to our music video, we have decided to keep our costumes young and but trendy to show this we thought that we would use clothes that people our age would wear. In order to keep our character looking young, we have decided to get Luke to wear jeans and t-shirt. We think that this gives a youthful look and also a costume that our audience can relate to. When we film the flash back of Luke having an argument with his girlfriend he will be wearing dark coloured clothing to represent his mood, but still keeping the costume young and trendy. He will be wearing black skinny jeans and a dark blue checkered shirt with some trainers.

Dani Owens

We decided to use Dani because we needed someone to play Luke's girlfriend and it needed to be someone Luke was friends with so that it wasn't difficult or awkward for them to act like a 'couple'. Dani will be used in the flash back shots throughout the narrative part of the music video of her and Luke breaking up.

Sam Harper and Megan Maunder

Sam and Megan will be playing the other 'couple' that features in our music video. They will be shown after Luke breaks up with his girlfriend and goes for a walk around the marina. During this Luke will see the couple being all 'loved up' and will make him angry and it will then show him having flash backs of his argument with his girlfriend.

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